About Me

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I started this blog as an inspirational-food for thought place to post my writings; and I decided to add to it other things that I enjoy and make it my little "rinconcito" (corner) where I can express myself. I enjoy writing about life experiences, painting, drawing, photography; and recently I learned how to knit and crochet (and I'm so hooked!). This is the space and time where I can forget about the worries of the real world and lose myself in my dreams, hopes, and passion. I hope it works the same for you when you visit my page. =) Have a blessed and rocking day!

Saturday, June 18, 2005

A new love

Today is a special day, since I'm celebrating the life of that being that came into my life filling me with happiness. Back then I asked myself how my life was going to be. Everything changed in a second, I wasn't that independent woman anymore.

I imagined how she was going to look like, her hair, her eyes, her skin, her voice, her personality. I thought of the uncertain future that was awaiting me.

From the first second of life she needed me, to breath, to feel, to live. All of my feelings I was sharing them with someone who I did not know yet, I was talking to somebody who didn't know my language.

I discovered a new way love, a love that's spontaneous, pure, a love that's different. I understood for the first time that maternal love I never had. I started to feel God nearer me, I felt Him inside me, with every heartbeat, with every movement. I thought of how perfect nature can be that is capable of producing everything it needs; I'm certain now of the existence of that Immense Entity that gave me the greatness of life and bringing life.

I thought then what would happen to me, to my body, to my way of thinking, to my point of view, what would happen to my way of understanding things, of my way of loving. Little by little I've been finding the answers, now I see through a different point of view, I'm more rational, more mature, more Woman.

I think of how unbelievable is that metamorphosis, how a simple cell turned into some body so important, a being that got formed from every part of me, of what I am. I stared at her perfection, a being so vulnerable that still depended on me.

I still remember her heartbeat, so strong, so fast, her tiny eyes that seemed asleep all the time, her tiny and fragile arms embracing her body, her little fingers that could barely hold mine. She seemed to understand my feelings, when I smiled, when I cried, when I was angry. Many times I asked myself if she could hear, if she could feel me.

Doubts and fear came to my life, but I was never alone. She was with me everywhere I went, even in my dreams. Then I was anxious for her arrival to her new world, that moment when we touched for the first time, when we saw each other the first time, that moment so important when I held her in my arms. I was filled with so much love that I forgot about my weariness. I wanted to stare at her all day, when she was breathing, when she was sleeping, when she woke up and looked at me as if trying to tell me something, that something that only I could understand.

My life is now one filled with emotions, when she smiled for the first time, when she made her first expresion, when she said "Mom" the first time I didn't know if to cry or laugh, when I opened my eyes again she was already walking, she had now complete personality. Each day I realized how valuable is time.

I thank God for giving me the privilege of bringing life filling me at the same time with more life, for giving me the opportunity of loving without limits.

I thank God each second for the life of my daughter, for giving me the chance of watching her grow up and live.

I thank Him for giving me the joy of being a Mother.

By Sandra Falcon

Friday, June 17, 2005

Why are we the way we are?

After picking up my daughter...
While driving in my car to my house I see the vagabond asking for money , a young guy, as young as the one who just graduated from high school, with his bare feet, the clothes pretty dirty he looks at me and waves his paper cup, I say No. Then I look forward and I see this car crossing the red traffic light, and then I think: "this people just don't love themselves!" I keep on going, I stop at the next red light and at my right I see this kid jumping in the front seat of the car.

Getting almost home, a group of teenagers leaning in their cars stare at me as if they've never seen a woman in their short life. Finally I get home and the windows vibrate at the astounding rhythm of the neighbor's music.

I turn on the TV and all I see is violence, sex, unfaithfulness.

After dinner I wash the dishes, bathe my daughter and send her to sleep, my day ends.

It's already dawn, on my way to work I see the newspaper salesman, standing up the whole day under the sun, sometimes under the rain, to earn just a "few bucks". Nobody wants to let me pass, cars driving in opposite direction to avoid traffic jam, not one police man at the sight. Finally I get to work: "good morning", "hi", "how are you?". I get to my desk, in the newspaper: "A total of 6 car accidents taking the lives of 11 people in just one day", "A man commits suicide after killing his wife and her lover", "A boy was found dead with multiple bruises on his body", concert of famous artist, "Fraud in well-known company", "$10,000 on drugs confiscated by police"...etc, etc.

In the office, that woman at the phone smiles, is she in love? The other one is reading the newspaper and speaking out loud, who is he talking to? Other employee is working as if he had to finish the work of two days in two hours. The day goes on, people are talking in a low voice so nobody can hear, I see sad and serious faces and others seem to be always happy. People drinking coffee to release the stress, the other is complaining because the paper got jammed in the photocopier. At the end of the day a huge mass of employees are waiting at the exit ready to go, outside at the parking lot everybody start their cars and go as if somebody was going to pay the first one to get home.

And again, at the road the vagabond asking for money, the one that crosses on a red light.

In what world are we living!?

You hear that person telling his child he loves him and hugs him, and when he gets into the car accelerates without thinking he has a child at the back seat. Some people tell you not to smoke because it's harmful, and at the end of the week they go and poison their bodies with alcohol. Others tell you to organize your life and their houses are a mess, how many women say that don't have money to pay their phone bill but visit every month the beauty salon to get their hair and nails done. People say that they can barely support a living but technically live at the mall. Many people tell you to live your life day by day; others tell you to keep present your future.

A kid can barely walk because he's overweight, exhausted hurries to go sit down, hm! And then his mother says that her kid is just big, and then you hear her talking in shock about child abuse.

We are so into our every-day routine that we take for granted what happens in our surroundings, criminality, abuse, prejudice, evil. Why do we insist on keeping this kind of lifestyle? Why not to wake up every morning and think: "Today I'm going to try to do things the right way, to be a good human being, better than yesterday". How many people live their lives focusing only in their material ambitions and forget to live the present time, when they realize how much time they've lost is too late.

Why not driving with courtesy without hurries, after all, it could cost us our life. Get to work and mind our own business not every body else's, without envy, hard feelings, live our own lives. And then dedicate quality time at home, with our family. Teach our children real values, to not to be afraid to be weak, not to be proud for being strong, to laugh if he wants to, to cry if he feels like it, not to be embarrassed of expressing his feelings, to earn the things before receiving them, to fight for it, don't give him everything. Why not better stay quiet when bad critics come to your mind.

How many times we complain about the life we have? In such a hurry, because the phone won't stop ringing at the office, because it starts to rain when you're about to go out, because you got to rush to pick up the kids, because "look at the time I haven't eaten yet".

How many times we thank God? Because we have a car to go places, because we have a roof to protect us from sun and bad weather, because we can eat every day even when we're not hungry. Because we have good health and are able to go to work. Because we've got a variety of fun stuff to do to not get bored.

How many times we thank God for life itself?

And yet I still ask myself...

Why are we the way we are?

By Sandra Falcon

Be Happy

Life is so precious you can't sit down and wait for things to come to you, especially happiness, happiness is what keeps your life meaningful and worthy. Days come and go and are filled with challenges and obstacles, but you have to keep on walking no matter how narrow or hard the road may be.

As life goes on you'll find it more and more complicated, more difficult, but that's how is supposed to be, it's your mission to go through it and fight and don't give up, just don't let negative thoughts affect your life, nobody knows what the future holds until they get there, live everyday in the present, do what your heart feels and go with your instincts remembering always to keep your feet on the ground, grab on to your feelings and let Him guide your way.

Life is full of risks and this is something you have to deal with everyday, even on the simplest situation. Don't let these risks stop you from being happy and successful, at the end they make your conquer more valuable.

People around you that care about you will try to protect you and give you advice, listen to them but also listen to your heart, you are the only person responsible for your own happiness, nobody else but you know better what makes you happy. Your life is full of experiences, good and no-so-good relationships, but these experiences make you grow as a person. Maybe you'll find that what was making you happy at the end is not the right thing for you. But what if it is? You'll never know if you don't try.

You can't stop your life and keep wondering what it could be for not knowing what is going to happen tomorrow, life is too beautiful to let it slip away from your hands so easily.

You have your dreams that keep alive your reason to keep trying, go for them.
When it comes to make happy other people, you have to make yourself happy first.

Pray and ask Him to let you see the way, He knows what is right for you, just trust in Him and let happen what is meant to be.

I believe that in life everything happens for a reason and we may never know why. Happiness is everything, you may have money and security all you've ever wanted, but if you're not happy, you're not going to enjoy what you've got.

Remember that people and things don't just happen by coincidence; they have a purpose in your life, treasure them and make your life the best of it.

And the most important of all things:



Dedicated to my friend and Sis' in Law, Sharon

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

El Padre Perfecto

Cuando vine al mundo Tu estabas allí, Tu me mantuviste a salvo de camino a mi hogar, no te conocía entonces pero Tú ya sabías quién yo era y el tipo de persona que iba a ser. Te aseguraste que hubieran personas a mi alrededor para cuidar de mí, Me cachaste cada vez que caí he hiciste de mi caída una menos dolorosa.

Me ví forzada a crecer más rápido que los demás, la mayor parte del tiempo aprendiendo las cosas de la manera difícil, la soledad era acompañante. Muchas veces te cuestioné sobre mi vida y por qué tuve que sufrir tanto y sentirme tan infelíz, estaba perdida caminando por un largo trecho con panoramas borrosos, tratando de mirar hacia atrás buscando respuestas a mis preguntas pero todo lo que encontraba eran vagas memorias de mi pasado. No sabía a dónde ir o qué buscar a quien admirar pero todo el tiempo Tú estuviste allí, esperando por mí, que te buscara, te pasé por el lado y no te ví.

Corrí a través de la vida con mis ojos cubiertos, algunas veces terminando donde había comenzado y cayendo en el suelo sintiendo las espinas enterrandose en mi corazón, busqué en todas partes y me pregunté dónde estabas pero nunca te encontré, estaba buscando en los lugares equivocados, desde lejos Tú me observabas. Trataste de mostrarme una manera más fácil pero no me permití verlo, trataste de decirme por dónde ir pero no te escuché, colocaste personas en mi vida con un propósito pero las ignore, me enviaste señales con mensajes importantes, pero yo estaba mirando hacia el otro lado, las dejé pasar. Sentí un gran vacío dentro de mí y lloré noche tras noche muchas veces sin saber por qué.

Un día en el lugar menos esperado Te encontré, Señor, en mi corazón. Tú haz borrado de mí las lágrimas y enjuagado con ellas mi alma, me ayudaste a aclarar mi mente y me hiciste entender la simplicidad de la vida y aún asi la perfección de la misma, y por primera vez mi vista ya no estaba borrosa, las espinas se fueron desvaneciendo una por una, poco a poco las fuiste sacando todas de mi corazón. Por primera vez cerré mis ojos y pude ver el camino y comenzé a andar en un trecho firme, no había rocas en mi paso, una vista colorida rodeada el lugar entero y no podia dejar de sonreir, me convertí en una persona con más fortaleza, encontré la felicidad.

Ahora estoy confidente de que fuiste Tú quien no permitió que me derrumbara, que todas esas noches obscuras y solitarias Tú estuviste allí cuidándome, que no importa cuanto me alejé de Ti Tú nunca te olvidaste de mí.

Tú siempre me haz respetado; te preocupas por mí, eres estricto y firme pero aún puedes ser sutil y comprensivo, Tú eres fiel.

Te doy gracias por todo lo que tengo, por todo lo que he conquistado en la vida, por todas las experiencias por las que he pasado, ellas me han hecho la persona que soy. Ahora sé una manera más fácil, ahora sé por dónde ir, ahora tengo a quién admirar.

Tú eres mi fortaleza, Tú estas en mis pensamientos a donde quiera que voy, Tú eres todo lo que yo necesito…..

Tú eres el Padre Perfecto…… Amén

Sandra Falcón

Live your life today, tomorrow may be too late.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Sé Agradecido

Hoy es un nuevo día, te sales de la cama, te lavas los dientes y lavas tu cara, vas a la cocina y te haces un café caliente y unas tostadas, o quizás te vas directo a la ducha y entonces te vistes para ir al trabajo.

Estas en un tapón de tráfico, esperando que no llueva porque apenas lavaste el carro ayer, llamando a alguien por el celular para desahogar tu estrés y preocupaciones. Algunas veces también para compartir un momento exitante de tu vida, como cuando te compraste un carro o cuando compraste tu primera casa, o hasta cuando encontraste en la tienda aquello que tanto querias a un buen precio.

Durante el día estas tan ocupado con todo el trabajo en la oficina que no tienes tiempo de llamar a nadie, pero como quieras tomas unos minutos para ver si tienes mensajes en tu email.

Al final del día estas bien cansado. Llegas a la casa, te das un buen baño y comes algo de cenar; mientras tanto ves las noticias para ver que esta pasando en el resto del mundo.
De vez en cuando discutes con la gente y te sientes desesperado porque ellos no te entienden, y te preguntas cómo ellos no pueden ver lo que tu ves. Cómo es posible que ellos hagan las cosas de la manera en que lo hacen? Otras veces te sientes ahogado de personas y te quejas de que no tienes tiempo para ti mismo, que necesitas “espacio”.

Te preocupas de tu apariencia, te aseguras de lucir bien todo el tiempo.
Limpias y compras cosas para tu “lugar” para hacerlo ver nítido y perfecto, y si hay algo que no te gusta lo sacas de alli o lo cambias.

Estas tan ocupado con tantas cosas que te pierdes de las cosas que realmente son importantes, momentos que suceden solo una vez en la vida.
Alguna vez haz pensado cómo sería tu vida si te levantaras un día porque tienes tanto frío y no tienes una sábana para cubrirte, y que tu refrigerador estuviera vacío, que tuvieras que caminar para ir a trabajar?

Esperando que no llueva porque de otro modo te empaparias, que no tuvieras modo de comunicarte con la gente que esta lejos de ti y poder compartir tus preocupaciones y momentos alegres.

Cómo sería si llegaras a tu hogar bien cansado y no tuvieses agua para bañarte y tuvieras que irte hambriento a la cama porque no hubiese comida sobre la mesa, que no superias lo que esta pasando en el resto del mundo?

Cómo te sentirias si no tuvieras a nadie con quien hablar, dispuesto a hacer cualquier cosa solo por tener a alguien a tu lado, necesitando sentir el calor de gente alrededor tuyo?
Hay tanta gente alrededor del mundo, como nosotros, pero que no tienen nada ni a nadie, gente que tienen que caminar a donde quiera que van, gente que harian lo que fuera solo por tener un pedazo de pan para comer y alguna ropa para cubrirse. Gente que duermen alla afuera bajo la lluvia y lo unico que pueden hacer es rezar para que la lluvia se vaya.

Gente que ni siquiera entienden o conocen lo que es el amor y no pueden ni pensar en disfrutar los buenos momentos si alguno porque su hambre y las circunstancias no se lo permiten.

Y todavia piensas que la vida es injusta contigo………
La vida no es solo estudiar y obtener grados y comprar un gran carro o tremendas
casas, no es todo sobre conseguirse buena ropa y lucir bien.
Es acerca de compartir y apreciar a las personas y los momentos que pueden suceder en un segundo pero perduran el resto de la vida.

Cuantas veces le haz dado gracias a El porque tu nevera esta llena de comida? Comida que a veces ni siquiera te la comes y terminas botando.
Cuantas veces le haz dado gracias a El por el carro que tienes?
Cuantas vecez le haz dado graciasa El por tu trabajo? Porque aun cuando no te guste mucho pero puedes comprar las cosas que necesitas…gracias a tu trabajo.
Cuantas veces le haz dado gracias a El por tu salud?

Cuantas veces le haz dicho a alguien que lo amas?
Cuantas veces le haz agradecido a esa persona por algo que hizo aun cuando no lo hizo de la misma forma en que tu lo haces?
Cuantas veces haz hecho algo por amor para alguien, sin esperar nada a cambio?
Cuantas veces haz ido afuera y observado la luz del sol entre las nubes, el cielo, los árboles y apreciado las maravillas de la naturaleza?
Cuantas veces haz detenido lo que estas haciendo solo por ir con esa persona, tu hijo, tu otra mitad, y compartido con él unos minutos, y lo haz observado, y lo haz abrazado con tus ojos cerrados?

Cuantas veces le haz dado gracias a Dios por tu propia vida?
El tiempo vuela y no te das cuenta, no aprecias a las personas que estan contigo todo el tiempo, todas las cosas que tienes, cosas que ni siquiera necesitas.

Desafortunadamente no puedes detener el tiempo ni puedes ir al pasado y arreglar o cambiar las cosas, y ciertamente no puedes cambiar a las personas.

Mucha gente piensa y cree que para tener una vida de signicado y propósito hay que tener una carrera, tener una buena vida económica y convertirse en “alguien” dentro de la sociedad, y para complementar sus vidas entonces piensan en amor y familia. Dedican la mayor parte del tiempo en su trabajo y tratando de mantener su “buena vida”, y si les sobra el tiempo y no estan muy cansados pasan tiempo con sus seres queridos. Concentran sus vidas tanto en cosas que solo son….materiales…que al final del camino se encuentran solos porque se han olvidado de esa persona especial, porque no se preocuparon suficientemente de apreciar lo que tenian, y lo mas triste es que la mayor parte del tiempo cuando esas personas realizan lo que han perdido, ya es muy tarde.
Trabajos, casas, carros y todo lo demas juegan una parte importante en tu vida, si los pierdes todavia puedes reponerlos, pero si pierdes a alguien, no lo puedes reemplazar, ni su amor ni el tiempo perdido, entonces solo tendras las memorias…

Hoy cuando llegues a tu hogar, en vez de decir que estas cansado e irte directo al cuarto, solo pon las cosas a un lado y ve y dale un beso y un abrazo a quienes amas, en vez de quejarte de algo y señalar a alguien cuando no han hecho algo en la casa, miralos y ve en su interior quienes son, aprecia lo que hacen, si sabes que has herido a alguien deja a un lado tu orgullo y di que lo sientes, perdonalos por sus errores pues son tan solo humanos, como tú. Esta noche cuando vayas a la cama antes de irte a dormir cierra tus ojos y agradecele a Dios por el día, porque llegaste a casa vivo, dale gracias por todo lo que tienes. Mañana cuando te levantes antes de comenzar el día dale un beso otra vez a esa persona que esta a tu lado aun si esta dormido todavía, si tienes hijos ve y dile cuan importantes son en tu vida, ellos apreciaran mas esos pocos minutos contigo sabiendo que pueden contar contigo que las cosas que les compres.
Durante el día toma aunque sea uno o dos minutos para llamar a esa persona especial para saludarle. Ayuda a tus amigos cuando necesiten a alguien.

Si solo pudieras ver las cosas buenas y apreciarlas más y te preocuparas menos de las cosas negativas….la vida sería tan diferente.

La vida es muy preciosa y llena de tantas cosas materiales, pero sin esas personas que comparten sus vida con la tuya, seria una vida vacia.
Yo no sé qué pasará mañana, yo no sé si hoy será el ultimo día en que vea la luz, yo no sé si perderé a alguien que amo pronto, no sé si viviré hasta que sea anciana y pueda ver a mis nietos, lo único que sé es que ahora mismo estoy viva y saludable y que tengo personas alrededor mio que de un modo u otro se preocupan por mí y otras personas que aunque no estan conmigo pero piensan en mí, y a todas esas personas quiero dejarles saber que tambien me preocupo por ellos y que los amo.
Lo único que sé es que ahora mismo quiero vivir mi vida a plenitud y disfrutar cada momento que pueda antes de que sea muy tarde.

A toda mi familia y amigos.


Live your life today, tomorrow may be too late.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Be Thankful

Today is a new day, you get out of bed, brush your teeth and wash your face, go to the kitchen and make yourself a hot coffee and some toasts, or maybe you go direct to the shower and then get dressed to go to work.
You're on a traffic jam hoping that it doesn't rain because you just washed your car yesterday, calling somebody on the cell phone to let out all your stress and worries, sometimes also to share a very exciting moment of your life, like when you got a new car, or when you bought your first house, or even when you just found at the store that thing you wanted so much at a great price.
During the day you are so busy with all the work at the office that you don't have time to call anybody, but still you manage to take a few minutes to see if you got any messages on your e-mail.
By the end of the day you're very tired. You get home, get a nice shower and have dinner; meanwhile you watch the news to see what's happening on the rest of the world.

Every now and then you argue with people and feel desperate because they don't understand you, and you wonder how they can't see what you see. How is it possible that they do things the way they do? Other times you feel drowned by people and complain that you don't have time for yourself, that you need a "break".

You worry about your appearance; you make sure you look great all the time.

You clean and buy things for "your place" to make it look neat and perfect, and if there is something you don't like you put it away or change it.
You are so busy with so many things that you miss the things that are really important, moments that happen just one time in your life.

Have you ever thought what your life would be if you wake up one day because you're so cold and have no blanket to cover yourself, and go to the fridge and it was empty, that you had to walk to go to work?

Hoping that it doesn't rain because otherwise you would get soaked, that you had no way to communicate with people that are far away from you and share your worries and happy moments.

How it would be if when you got home very tired you had no water to take a shower and had to go to bed hungry because there was no food on the table, and you didn't know what was happening on the rest of the world?

How would you feel if you had nobody to talk to, willing to do anything just to have somebody by your side, and needing to feel the warmth of people around you?

There are so many people around the world, like us, but have nothing and no one, people that have to walk wherever they go, people that would do anything just to have a loaf of bread to eat and some clothes to cover themselves. People that sleep out there under the rain and the only thing they can do is to pray for the rain to go away.
People that don't even understand or know what love is and can't even think of enjoying the good moments if any because their hunger and circumstances don't let them.

And you still think life is unfair to you......

Life is not only about studying and getting degrees and buying great cars and great houses, is not all about getting nice clothes and looking great.
Is about sharing and appreciating people and moments that can happen in a split of a second but can last for the rest of your life.

How many times have you thanked Him because your fridge is full of food? Food that sometimes you don't even eat and end up throwing away.
How many times have you thanked Him for the car you've got?
How many times have you thanked Him for your job? Because even when you don't like it that much you can still buy the things you need...thanks to your job.
How many times have you thanked Him for you health?

How many times have you told somebody that you love him?
How many times have you thanked him for something he did even when he didn't do it the way you do it?
How many times have you made something for somebody out of love, without expecting something in return?
How many times have you gone outside and stared at the light of the sun between the clouds, the sky, the trees and appreciated the wonders of the nature?
How many times have you stopped doing something just to go with that person, your child, your other half, and shared with him for a few minutes, and stared at him, and hugged him with your eyes closed?

How many times have you thanked God for your own life?

Time flies and you don't notice, you take for granted the people that are with you all the time, all the things you've got, things that you don't even need.

Unfortunately you can't stop time nor you can go back in time to fix or change things, and certainly you can't change people.

Many people think and believe that to have a meaningful and purposeful life is to get a career, have a wealthy living and become "somebody" in society, and to complement their life then they think of love and family. They dedicate most of the time to their job and trying to maintain their "good living", and if they have time left and are not too tired they spend time with their loved ones. They concentrate their lives so much in things that are just...material, that at the end of the road they find themselves lonely because they forgot about that special person, because they didn't care enough to appreciate what they had, and the saddest part is that most of the time when those people realize what they have missed, it's too late.

Jobs, houses, cars and everything else play an important part of your life, if you lose them you can still replace them, but if you lose somebody, you can't replace him or his love or the time lost, then you'll only have the memories…

Today when you get home, instead of saying you're tired and going straight to the bedroom, just put everything away and give a kiss and a hug to those you love, instead of complaining of something and pointing at them when they don't do things around the house, look at them and see who they are, appreciate what they do, if you know you hurt somebody let away that pride and say your sorry, forgive them for their mistakes for they're only human, like you. Tonight when you go to bed before going to sleep close your eyes and thank God for the day, because you got home alive, thank Him for everything you have. Tomorrow when you wake up before starting the day kiss again that person next to you even if he's still asleep, if you have kids go and tell them how much you love them and how important they are in your life, they'll appreciate more those few minutes with you knowing that they can count on you than the things you buy to them. During the day take at least one or two minutes to call that special someone just to say hi. Help your friends when they need somebody.

If you would only see the good things and cherish them more and care less about the negative things...life would be so different.

Life is so precious and full of material things, but without those people that share their lives with yours, it's empty.

I don't know what will happen tomorrow, I don't know if today will be the last day I'll see the light, I don't know if I will lose someone I love soon, I don't know If I will live until I'm old and see my grandchildren, all I know is that right now I'm alive and healthy and have people around me that in one way or another care about me and other people that are not with me but think about me, and to all those people I want to let them know that I care about them too, and that I love them. All I know is that right now I want to live my life to the fullest and enjoy every moment I can before is too late.

Sandra Falcon