When I came into the world You where there, You kept me safe on my way home, I did not know You then but You already knew who I was and the kind of person I was going to be. You made sure there were people around me to watch over me, You caught me whenever I fell to make my fall less painful.
I saw myself forced to grow up faster than others, most of the time learning things the hard way, loneliness was my companion. Many times I questioned you about my life and why I had to suffer and felt so unhappy, I was lost walking on a long road with blurry sights, trying to look back searching for answers to my questions but all I found was faded memories of my past. I didn't know where to go or what to look for or who to look after but all that time You were there, waiting for me to reach for You, I passed You by.
I ran through life with my eyes covered, sometimes ending up where I began and falling on the ground feeling the thorns piercing my heart, I looked everywhere and wondered where were You but never found You, I was looking in the wrong places, from far away You were watching. You tried to show me an easier way but I didn't let myself see it, You tried to tell me which way to go, but I didn't listen, You put people on my life with a purpose, but I ignored them, You sent me signs with important messages but I was looking the other way, I missed them. I felt a great emptiness within me and cried night by night sometimes not knowing why.
One day in the place I less expected I found You, God, in my heart. You've taken away all the tears and rinsed my soul with them, you helped me clear out my mind and made me understand the simplicity of life and yet the perfection of it, and for the first time my sight was not blurry, the thorns were vanishing one by one, little by little You were taking them all out of my heart. For the first time I closed my eyes and I still could see the "road" and started to walk on a still strong path, there were no rocks in the way, a colorful view surrounded the entire place and I just couldn't stop smiling; I became a stronger person, I found happiness.
Now I'm confident that whenever I feel sad you'll be there to comfort me, when I need an answer I just have to ask You, when I need advice I can count on Your Wisdom, whenever I find myself in weakness, become vulnerable and make mistakes I know that I could learn from them and turn them to Good.
Now I understand that it was You who kept me from falling apart, that all those dark lonely nights You were there watching my back, that no matter how far I pushed You away You never forgot about me.
You have always respected me and still do, You care about me, You are strict and firm but still can be gentle and comprehensive, You are faithful.
I thank You for all I've got, for all I've conquered in life, for all the experiences I've gone through, they have made me the person I am. Now I know an easier way, now I know which way to go, I've got someone to look after.
You are my strength, You are in my thoughts wherever I go, You are everything I need...
You are the Perfect Father.
Sandra Falcón (2004)
A little bit of all the things that I enjoy doing in my free time, from writing thoughts about life to painting and crocheting.
About Me
- Little Joys of Life
- I started this blog as an inspirational-food for thought place to post my writings; and I decided to add to it other things that I enjoy and make it my little "rinconcito" (corner) where I can express myself. I enjoy writing about life experiences, painting, drawing, photography; and recently I learned how to knit and crochet (and I'm so hooked!). This is the space and time where I can forget about the worries of the real world and lose myself in my dreams, hopes, and passion. I hope it works the same for you when you visit my page. =) Have a blessed and rocking day!
Saturday, October 16, 2004
The Perfect Father
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Carta de un hijo a todos los padres del mundo
"No me des todo lo que te pida. A veces pido para ver hasta cuanto puedo coger."
"No me des siempre órdenes. Si en vez de órdenes a veces me pidieras las cosas yo lo haría más rápido y con más gusto."
"No cambies de opinión tan seguido sobre lo que debo hacer. Decídete y mantén tu decisión."
"Cumple tus promesas, buenas o malas. Si me prometes un premio, dámelo; pero también si me prometes un castigo."
"No me compares con nadie, especialmente con mis hermanos. Si tú me haces lucir mejor que los demás, alguien va a sufrir; y si me haces lucir peor que los demás, sere yo quien sufra."
"No me grites. Te respeto menos cuando lo haces y me enseñas a gritar también, y yo no quiero hacerlo."
"Déjame valerme por mi mismo. Si tú haces todo por mí yo nunca podré aprender."
"No digas mentiras delante de mi, ni me pidas que las diga por ti, aunque sea para sacarte de un apuro. Me haces sentir mal y perder la fe en lo que me dices."
"Cuando hago algo malo, no me exijas que te diga por qué lo hize. A veces ni yo mismo lo sé."
"Cuando estés equivocado en algo, admítelo y crecerá la opinion que tengo de ti. Asi me enseñas a que admita mis equivocaciones también."
"Trátame con la misma amabilidad y cordiabilidad con que tratas a tus amigos, que por ser familia no se nos impide ser amigos."
"No me digas una cosa y tú no la haces. Yo aprenderé mejor con lo que tú haces, aunque no lo digas, que con lo que dices y no haces."
"Cuando te cuente uno de mis problemas, no me digas: "No tengo tiempo para tus boberías", o "eso no tiene importancia." Trata de comprenderme y ayudarme. Enseñame a buscar lo que Dios quisiera en esa situación."
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Fácil y Difícil
Fácil es ocupar un lugar en la agenda telefónica. Difícil es ocupar el corazón de alguien...
Fácil es herir a quien nos ama. Difícil es curar esa herida...
Fácil es dictar reglas. Difícil es seguirlas...
Fácil es soñar todas las noches. Difícil es luchar por un sueño...
Fácil es exhibir la victoria. Difícil es asumir la derrota con dignidad...
Fácil es admirar una luna llena. Difícil es ver su otra cara...
Fácil es tropezar con una piedra. Difícil es levantarse...
Fácil es disfrutar todos los días. Difícil es darle el verdadero valor...
Fácil es orar todas las noches. Difícil es encontrar a Dios en las cosas pequeñas...
Fácil es prometerle algo a alguien. Difícil es cumplirle esa promesa...
Fácil es decir que amamos. Difícil es demostralo todos los días...
Fácil es criticar a los demás. Difícil es mejorar uno mismo...
Fácil es cometer errores. Difícil es aprender de ellos...
Fácil es llorar por el amor perdido. Difícil es cuidarlo para no perderlo...
Fácil es pensar en mejorar. Difícil es dejar de pensarlo y realmente hacerlo...
Es un día precioso para estar vivo!!!
Remembering Friendship
Nicky and Amanda |
Is the heart's own way
Of holding loved ones close
And keeping us
In constant touch
With those
Who mean the most.
Is the heart's own way
Of sending loving thoughts today!
A friend is someone we turn to
When our spirits need a lift,
A friend is someone we treasure
For true friendship is a gift.
A friend is someone we laugh with
Over little personal things,
A friend is someone we're serious with
In facing whatever life brings.
A friend is someone who fills our lives
With beauty and joy and grace
And makes the world that we live in
A better and happier place!