Love Story
I received a video about a beautiful love story: A simple girl completely healthy meets this guy, he's a photographer, they start going out and they fall in love, one day in his studio he leaves the room and meanwhile she's looking through all the things he has there, she tries to reach for some bottles on a high shelf and an opened bottle with a strong chemical content falls on her face spilling all the hazard liquid in her eyes, she's rushed to the hospital; she's lost her sight, but there's one thing the doctors can do to give her back her sight, a donator who would be willing to give away his cornea…..after a long operation she recovers and once on her feet again she starts looking for her love, she goes to his house, to his studio, even the places she knew they or he would frequent, but he's nowhere to be found...already about to give up she runs into a blind folded man who's sitting on a bench, it was him...her love was her donator. As soon as she saw him she realized what he had done for her, he loved her so much that he gave away his most precious possession to save her sight.After reading this story you must be thinking, wow, what a beautiful story, if you see the video you would be moved even more.Well, let me tell you an even greater love story, the greatest love story of all:Many years ago, simple men, most of them completely healthy, went in life without any “brakes” most of the time sinning over and over again, judging other people, pointing at others their flaws, worshiping other gods and doing wrongful things, falling into temptations, into the things of the world, then one day this Being, a wonderful and Mighty Being who was already very much in love with them, with all of them, saw that they were 'dying' of spirit, that they were falling apart and had no salvation then, His love for them was so GREAT that He was willing to give away His most precious possession to save their lives, His only Son's LIFE. God gave His own and only Son for us.Jesus gave away His life to save us.How easy is for us to believe in any love story that is told or sent to us, and we don't even know if it’s real...but how difficult it is for many people to believe in God and His miracles. How easy is for many people to talk about a love story in a movie they watched and spread the word- "You have to watch this movie!” And how difficult it is to do same with Jesus’ Love Story and say "You have to read His Story in the Bible!"Honestly I don’t know how I would react or do if somebody tells me I have to give either of my children’s life to save another. I think of my two kids, my own flesh and blood, and just the thought of it overwhelms me. God did it for ALL OF US.He is my HERO.It takes a GREATER love to do what He did.That is OUR GOD!God bless you all.
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